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Woman concerned about illegal trash dumping in Fountain Creek, wants the city to do more

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COLORADO SPRINGS — If you've walked or biked along Fountain Creek in Colorado Springs, you've seen the mess. One woman we heard from is fed up with illegal trash dumping into the water. Now, she wants answers from the city about what it can do differently to make our creeks safer.

Laura Canini was enjoying her day at Fountain Creek until she smelled something usual.

"To me it's (a) chemical smell," said Canini.

That 'weird' smell was not the only thing Canini noticed. She also found a needle right by the creek and a pile of illegal trash dumping.

"(It's) a huge eyesore," said Canini.

She tells me it's a matter of safety.

"To me it's not a park," said Canini. "Children shouldn't be here, nobody should bring a child here (with) chances of stepping on needles and stepping on a piece of glass or sharp objects."

Clothing and needles can be seen under the bridge at America the Beautiful Park. The city says it has a hard time keeping track of where the garbage is.

"It's a pretty serious problem," said Tim Biolchini, Stormwater Capital Program Manager.

Biolchini says trash dumping is getting worse. Crews now find large items like shopping carts and a fridge.

"It's not just trash, it's contaminants because all these contaminants washed to our water waste and go down to our downstream neighbors," said Biolchini.

The city's biggest challenge right now is the timing of clean up because of those contaminants. It's costly and time consuming.

"We are looking at trying to keep creeks clean," said Biolchini. "Homeless, they gravitate to creeks because there's water but that's not the only place they are at."

The city has increased patrols around hotspots. It's a problem that requires support from other agencies.

"What are you going to do to clean up this creek?" said Canini. "What are you going to do not just getting the garbage out of here but to get (the) chemical smell out of (the) natural area?"

The City of Colorado Springs says it needs your help. Richards Rubbish Roundup, a nonprofit in Colorado Springs is looking for volunteers. To learn more, visit Richards Rubbish Roundup's website.

Another volunteer opportunity in Colorado Springs is Creek Week. To learn more, visit the City of Colorado Springs website.

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