

Simply beautiful weather expected over the next few days!

Garden of the Gods Pikes Peak Mesa Overlook
and last updated

Today’s Forecast:
It is going to be gorgeous today with above-average temperatures and sunshine! The winds will stay pretty light today and we'll keep clear skies overnight with lows falling into the 20s and teens.

COLORADO SPRINGS: High: 50; Low: 25. Sunny and warm with light winds.

PUEBLO: High: 60; Low: 30. Sunny and beautiful with a light breeze.

CANON CITY: High: 50; Low: 30. Sunshine with warm temps and light winds.

WOODLAND PARK: High: 50; Low: 20. A little breezy but mild and sunny.

TRI-LAKES: High: 50s; Low: 30s. Sunny, mild, and nice with light winds.

PLAINS: High: 60s; Low: 20s. Breezy at times but warm and sunny in the afternoon.

WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High: 60s; Low: 20s. Sunny and breezy with mild temperatures.

MOUNTAINS: High: 50s; Low: 20s. Sunny and nice over the high country with a light breeze and mild temperatures.

Extended Outlook:
There isn't much excitement in the weather department this week. We're going to stay warm and dry through Wednesday with well above average highs. A cold front on Thursday will bring some gusty winds and move highs from the 50s into the 30s by Friday. There is a weak snow shower and flurry chance on Friday but there isn't much moisture to work with there.