MONUMENT, CO — If i25 in Monument is on your commute, you’ll notice construction crews. Starting Thursday, January 2nd, CDOT is working on updating a chain station.
From 7am until 7pm Thursday and Friday, crews will be working to install fiber lines to upgrade the chain station. This is one of two chain stations in southern Colorado. The other is near the southern border.

The Colorado Department of Transportation, or CDOT wants to make it easier for its crews to inform drivers when chain laws are in effect. Currently, plow drivers have to get out and manually flip the chain law signs. A new system will allow crews to enable the signs remotely. CDOT says that would give plow drivers another half hour to work on our roads.
It’s work the project engineer, Emma Boff is excited to see. "We don’t need them messing with [manual signs] so I really love the fact that we’re keeping guys safe and gals safe out there.”
If it’s on your commute, give yourself some extra time and be on the lookout for crews. I’m told the project will wrap up in the spring.
We’ll let you know how it progresses.

How to keep your credit card information safe from card skimmers
The Pueblo Police Department is warning people of card skimming happening at several locations across the Steel City. Card skimming is not a new crime, but Pueblo police say it's becoming increasingly common.