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34 parking spots are unavailable during a construction project in Old Colorado City- starting Monday

See why the work is happening and how long it should last.
and last updated

OLD COLORADO CITY — We have another traffic alert for you. Starting Monday, the city of Colorado Springs will start repairing a retaining wall. 34 parking spots will be unavailable during the work.

The work is happening in Old Colorado City at the Pikes Peak parking lot, between 25th and 26th Street. During the work, the city says you can park in three other areas. Those are the east side of the Pikes Peak lot, the Cucharras lot, and the Colorado Alley lot.

I checked and both the other lots do require payment to park. The city says there should be plenty of spots though.

You may recognize the area if you have ever been to Territory Days. That’s a big three-day street festival here on Colorado Avenue that happens every Memorial Day weekend. The city says everything should be wrapped up before territory days.

I met with Richard Mulledy, the director of public works for the project. He says this work is crucial for public safety. He also tells me about the timing- "To do a project like this in the middle of the summer, I think the impacts would be felt a lot more. Right now is the right time, so we want to get in there and out of there before the busy season picks up and the demand for parking really increases."

We will keep our eye on this project and let you know how it progresses!

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