If elected, what will your top priority be for the city of Colorado Springs?
As a business owner, we know how difficult this pandemic has been on small business, which represents over 90% of all businesses in Colorado Springs. My top priority will be to safely reopen our economy and ensure people have opportunity to thrive under our new normal. I will be a champion for small business and ensure they have a resource on city council that they can trust and lean on when needed, whether it be a simple zoning question, a tax-related issue, or even general advice.
What should city council implement to address the impacts of COVID-19?
I believe city council can be most helpful in three ways with regards to the impacts of COVID-19. First, as mentioned above, we need a person on council that understands the pressure on small business. Second, we need to invest in public transportation so that every eligible person, especially the disabled or elderly, can go get a vaccination or care. Last, but not least, we need to be careful stewards with taxpayer dollars to ensure government can fulfill basic needs while investing in key areas for the future.
What needs to be done to address the growth the city has been experiencing?
As a native, I've seen growth gone wild and growth done responsibly. I much prefer responsible growth and believe my understanding of development and zoning will uniquely position me to make tough decisions. Colorado Springs is a great place to live, work, and play and I believe we must take care not to ruin what makes us special in the name of endless growth. Proper zoning, a diverse economy, and equitable infrastructure investments will be paramount to avoiding many of the growth pitfalls we've seen at times. Additionally, working hand in hand with our city-owned utility will also be key.