If elected, what will your top priority be for the city of Colorado Springs?
My top priority can be broken down into three components: improved infrastructure, economic development, and transit. For District 4, we need to continue improving our roads, bridges and sidewalks. For economic development, we need to look at opportunities like the upcoming urban renewal projects in Southeast Colorado Springs that will create retail space, common services and affordable housing. Finally, for transit, we must increase fixed routes and frequency.
What should city council implement to address the impacts of COVID-19?
Working with the El Paso County Board of Health and the State, City Council should ensure that any barriers to getting vaccinated are eliminated. As the City’s representative to the Board of Health, for example, I helped organize an equitable vaccine rollout in Southeast Colorado Springs - so that everyone who wants a vaccine gets one. City Council can also take steps to ensure that small businesses survive the impacts of COVD - whether it be facilitating small business grants, temporarily reducing sales tax for businesses most impacted, or allowing expanded outdoor dining for restaurants. Finally, City Council should look for additional opportunities and resources to help those most impacted by the pandemic - from families to small businesses.
What needs to be done to address the growth the city has been experiencing?
The biggest impact from growth can be seen in the availability of affordable and attainable housing throughout the city. As a city, we must address this housing crisis by focusing on alternatives that allow housing alternatives throughout the city - whether it be flex zoning for new development, accessory dwelling units for existing neighborhoods, or infill projects that allow us to expand inward.while maintaining the character of our neighborhoods.