COLORADO SPRINGS — In honor of Veterans Day, News5 is sharing the story of one group that works directly with veterans to help them connect with nature and build a deep comradery.
Wild Warrior Adventure is a weeklong program that takes veterans to premier fly fishing locations across the United States. 5News reporter, Caroline Peters spoke with Jonny Benton, the program’s Director of Military Relations who is based here in Colorado Springs about the benefits of this program.
The program is divided into two parts. At the start of their day, the veterans take time to address a heart-mind connection. The group talks about their PTSD, post-combat trauma, and other issues the veterans are hoping to navigate through.
Jonny says being able to have these conversations with other veterans on this trip helps to strengthen their emotional and spiritual resiliency. Being able to fly-fish on the water afterward really helps these veterans connect with nature and puts things into place for them.
“The freedoms that we did fight for do have an impact. Here we are, being able to enjoy National lands and Bureau of Land Management property, just floating down the river. The freedoms that we fought for, we actually get to immerse ourselves in and enjoy and it’s just such an incredible and powerful feeling,” said Benton, a Retired U.S. Army Staff Sergeant.
“When we come back from war, there tends to be this disconnect at times, you know, whether that be associated with effects of combat trauma and post-traumatic stress, that isolation, that inability to get back out into society and associate with other people, especially other veterans, kind of falls to the waste side.”
This trip allows veterans to come together with individuals who have been through similar experiences and because of this, lifelong friendships are built.
Jonny says Wild Warrior Adventure was started by a group of individuals who hadn’t served, so they wanted to find a way to honor veterans and help them. Today, the program has grown, and it continues to grow.
Anyone interested in getting involved with Wild Warrior Adventure can visit here.