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Get paid to pedal: Bike Streets is paying people to ride their bicycles in Denver this month

Bike tire

DENVER — Bike Streets, a Denver nonprofit, is paying people to ride their bicycle in October.

This all-volunteer project is focused on changing how Denverites travel around the city, and is encouraging them to try trading a vehicle for a bicycle.

The group will pay participants by the mile, no matter where they go. Depending on the number of people who sign up, participants will likely be able to earn between 15 and 30 cents per mile, for a maximum of $75 in the month.

The nonprofit will use Strava to log mileage.

Bike Streets Founder Avi Stopper said it's a good opportunity to try bicycling with an attached reward.

"In the process, they'll discover riding a bike, not just for fitness, but to get to every destination they need to get to in Denver, is really a viable thing and a really fun thing to do as well," he said.

Bike Streets calls bicycling a "miracle pill," noting its many health benefits. It also helps reduce stress and traffic, and improves air quality, the group said.

In 2018, the nonprofit created the Low-Stress Denver Bike Map, which has been used about 425,000 times. The map, which details 400 miles, helps bicyclists find low-traffic, low-speed side streets to get around Denver. The map is available in app stores as well.

Click here to learn more and sign up. The number of participants will be capped to ensure the nonprofit doesn't exceed its budget. It is also accepting donations to help pay more people to try bicycling. Click here to donate.