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Department of Human Services Report outlines daycare investigation

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COLORADO SPRINGS — The Colorado Department of Human Services released a report to News5 detailing allegations that led to the investigation of Play Mountain Place, an in-home day care center in Colorado Springs, as well as Counterpoint School.

Both facilities are run by Carla Faith.

The report says DHS received a complaint saying Play Mountain Place had 10 or more children in care, with most between 2 and 3 years old, but was only licensed for up to six children, ranging in age from birth to 18 years with no more than 2 under two years of age. DHS says 26 toddler age children were in care when they arrived at the facility on Wednesday. Those children were being hidden in the basement of the home, which was not licensed for child care.

The complaint also alleged three staff members might not be qualified to work with children. The DHS report found three staff members had not completed a TRAILS abuse and neglect background check. Those checks are required for anyone who regularly cares for or supervises children, or who has unsupervised access to children.

The report also said three staff members had not completed CBI/FBI background checks as required for child care centers.

BACKGROUND: Colorado Springs home day care under investigation

Investigators also observed other violations that were not related to the initial complaint:

  • Carla Faith does not reside at the in-home child care
  • 26 toddlers were hidden in a small room or crawl space in the unlicensed basement of the home, behind a fake wall.
  • Those toddlers appeared to not have had a diaper change, a nap, or a sufficient meal.
  • No enrollment record for any child in care. According to the report, Faith said those records were destroyed in a water main break.
  • No record of work schedules for employees, volunteers, or substitutes was maintained in the home.
  • The report says Faith told investigators there were no children in care when they arrived on Wednesday, but 26 toddlers were found.
  • Faith also refused to tell law enforcement where the children were, or to provide names, addresses, and phone numbers for those children.
  • Faith refused to provide inspectors access to locked storage bins, and to grounds surrounding the residence.

We've also learned that these are not the first to child care centers run by Faith that have been shut down by authorities. She also got in trouble in California for operating day cares with more children than allowed, and secretly housing more in other centers.

News 5 also spoke with one father who's two daughters went to both Play Mountain Place and Counterpoint. He said these complaints are not at all what he experienced with the care. "Carla in particular, she just seemed like she ran that place because she had a lot of love for children... I would say, don't judge until everything comes out, don't pass judgment, because from everything that I saw was this was an absolutely wonderful woman," said Johnathan Hemphill.

Investigators are still deciding what charges to file against her in Colorado Springs as this investigation continues.

Click Here to read the entire complaint

Additional reporting:

Colorado Springs day care provider under investigation following welfare check

Help for Colorado Springs families losing childcare to shutdown