NewsCovering Colorado


CPW announces closure of Rock Canyon Swim Beach at Lake Pueblo State Park

Posted 11:51 PM, Jul 03, 2019
and last updated 11:51 PM, Jul 03, 2019

PUEBLO — Wednesday, Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced that the Rock Canyon Swim Beach below the dam at Lake Pueblo State Park was temporarily closed.

CPW said the closure is due to unusually high bacteria levels observed after a routine water quality test.

Typically, Rock Canyon is open Thursdays through Mondays, but it will remain closed through the holiday weekend and CPW staff will monitor the water quality on daily basis until follow-up testing can be performed next week.

CPW said staff follows a "stringent" water quality testing protocol that is established by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

According to CPW, Park Manager Monique Mullis said the exact reason for the spike in bacteria levels is unknown at this time.

“We realize that right before the 4th of July holiday is a terrible time for this to happen and for the beach to be closed,” Mullis said. “But we will not take chances on the health and safety of our visitors.”

CPW said follow-up test results are expected by early next week. At that time, a decision will be made on whether or not to reopen the swim beach or extend the closure.