First Round Of Snow Hits Tuesday Morning With More To Come
A few light snow showers or flurries will continue to fall this morning around the Pikes Peak Region and southeastern mountains. Even though accumulations will be minimal, there will likely be some slick roads in less traveled areas. More impacts are expected Tuesday evening into Wednesday as our next round of snow will come overnight.
Lane Shifts Coming To South Academy Boulevard
On Tuesday we’re expecting to see another shift to the lanes of South Academy Blvd. The work is part of the military access, mobility, and safety improvements project. If you drive through here often, be prepared for things to look a little different. More here.
El Paso County Judge Issues Injunction Over Proposed Marijuana Ballot Issue
Voters in Colorado Springs will not vote on recreational marijuana sales this April. Yesterday, an El Paso County judge ruled the city cannot put another recreational marijuana sales question on this year's ballot. Voters approved ballot question 300 back in the November general election, which allows recreational marijuana sales. However, some city council members felt the measure was confusing and referred a question to this April's municipal ballot to repeal question 300 before marijuana is ever sold locally. More here.
Colorado Bill Would Create 'Do Not Sell' Gun Registry To Prevent Suicides
Colorado lawmakers are considering a bill to allow people to voluntarily give up their right to buy a gun by placing their name on a “do not sell” registry. Supporters of Senate Bill 25-034 say it will save lives and help people struggling with a mental health crisis. More here.
Teller County Sheriff & ACLU Of Colorado Reach Agreement Over Immigration Lawsuit
Teller County Sheriff Jason Mikesell and the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado have resolved a lawsuit against the sheriff. A joint stipulation entered to a judge at the end of January lays out what sheriff's deputies can and can't do when it comes to assisting ICE with immigration enforcement. The final resolution in the case also preserved the sheriff's right to enter into a 287(g) agreement with ICE. More here.
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