NewsCovering Colorado


Deadline to apply for big game hunting licenses is tonight

and last updated

Bighorn sheep


You probably already know, but just in case you didn’t, here’s your last minute reminder.

Applications for big game limited licenses are due tonight, Tuesday, April 2nd at 8 p.m.

You can apply online, at any CPW regional office, or over the phone at, 800-244-5613.

Moose near Grand Mesa
A moose stands in a golden field near Grand Mesa. (Photo courtesy of Gene Grate)

Several changes have been made for the 2019 big game hunting seasons. Perhaps the most significant change affects the application process. That change has to do with qualifying licenses.

A qualifying hunting license, valid between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020, must be purchased in order to apply for any 2019 big game license. A qualifying license includes:

1) an annual resident or nonresident small game
hunting licenses;
2) a resident or nonresident spring turkey
3) a resident small-game/fishing combination
license (only available to residents); or
4) a resident VA lifetime combination license
(only available to residents)

Mule Deer Buck
courtesy: Colorado Parks and Wildlife

You can find a step by step guide on the 2019 big game draw process here: 2019 Big Game Drawing ApplicationFlow Chart.

You can find any other information you may need at the CPW website.