WALSENBURG – The Huerfano County Sheriff’s Office confirmed to News 5 that two people have been arrested on first degree murder charges.
Family members tell News5 Amy Garcia, a 41-year-old single mother of four, is the presumed to be the woman found dead inside a burned car west of Walsenburg on Thursday. An official identification is pending an autopsy from the coroner’s office.
Deputies told News 5 that New Mexico State Police arrested Heith Gleason and Gage Gleason in Santa Fe, N.M. Authorities there were assisted by pinging of a cell phone with the father and son who were found at a McDonald’s.
The burned car was found off of Silver Mountain Road near County Road 530 in Huerfano County around 1:30 a.m. Thursday. Deputies said the fire likely happened earlier that night. When they arrived, they found no active flames.