Heavy snow fall across the mountains this weekend has brought marked improvement to Colorado’s snow pack. When reading this map, you’re looking for values at or above 100 percent.
Anything above 100 percent means you have more snow than normal. For example, the Arkansas basin has 150 percent, or 50 percent more than the normal level of snow for that basin.

This is the snow pack from exactly one week ago, before the big holiday weekend snow. Statewide snow pack was at 106 percent. Other than the San Juan and Upper Rio Grande, most basins saw to 10 to 20 percent increase in snow pack.
Here is a list of of snowfall across Colorado’s currently operating ski areas from Friday through Sunday. Cooper performed the best with over 20 inches and most of the Vail resorts saw at least one foot!

Much more snow is needed to combat the drought we built over the past year. The southwest corner of Colorado in particular, needs multiple feet of snow through the winter season just to get out of the exceptional and extreme drought.