DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. -- While Colorado has already allowed for very limited capacities at places of worship for a couple of weeks, Douglas County was granted a variance to allow more in-person services this weekend, which was a welcome change for many parishioners.
“It's been tough with no church in this pandemic. It's good to be here finally, and I'm excited to be back,” said Grace Chapel parishioner Trey Bowman.
Places of worship are doing their best to be ready for services with extra safety and health precautions so they can return to doing what many believe is truly essential during this time. President Donald Trump said late last week he wanted all houses of worship in the nation to be opened as essential places.
“The community that comes from church life is important when it comes to mental health. I believe the church is essential to making it through the hardest and darkest times as a nation,” said Grace Chapel Senior Pastor Josh Weidmann.
Grace Chapel removed pews, which it planned to do anyway. The church has plans to let people back in in much larger capacities in two weeks. People will be asked to sit with families, only come to church if they are healthy, to obey safety protocols and to reserve spots online.