UPDATE: The bill died in committee today.
DENVER- A bill to give medical marijuana users access to guns is going in front of a Colorado Senate committee Wednesday afternoon.
“If you are to get a prescription for opioids, for Vicodin or Percocet you won’t be asked to turn in your guns, there’s no problem there and so it shouldn’t really be any different for medicinal marijuana,” said Sage Naumann, Senate Republicans Communications Director.
The bill is sponsored by Senator Vicki Marble (R- Fort Collins) and Representative Bri Buentello (D- Pueblo).
IfSenate Bill 19-093 passes, the bill would change current law to say someone using medical marijuana is not considered an unlawful user or addict, that would prevent them from owning a gun.
“A lot of these people are suffering from things like cancer, they want to avoid opioids,” said Naumann.
Additionally, this bill would allow Sheriff’s offices to grant concealed carry permits to medical marijuana users.
Currently, more than 86,000 Coloradans have medical marijuana cards, or “red cards.”
“We want to make sure that their decision is respected, while also respecting their rights,” said Naumann.
The legislation would also prevent the law enforcement from using the medical marijuana registry during a background check.