

Third appeal filed against proposed Broadmoor convention center expansion

and last updated

COLORADO SPRINGS – Construction has yet to get underway for the proposed Broadmoor convention center–but already, community members have filed a 3rd appeal.

The appeal was submitted about an hour before its 5 p.m. deadline, on Monday.

The previous two appeals were denied.

“We want the Broadmoor to be successful. We want the town to be successful. But this doesn’t seem to be workable,” said Emily Ulrich, who lives near the Broadmoor.

Ulrich can see the proposed expansion site from her yard.

The expansion would be used for overflow exhibits at the Space Symposium, and other big events during the year.

It would increase the number of paved parking spots to just under 2,000–which is deemed adequate parking for up to 4,000 event attendees.

There is currently a dirt lot, which can hold up to 600 parking spots (mainly for staff), that would be eliminated as part of the expansion.

For larger events, the Broadmoor would get a temporary use permit from the city and shuttle staff back and forth from the Norris Penrose Event Center, as well as people attending the convention.

Those who oppose the idea say that will be a traffic nightmare.

“I’m just really afraid it’s going to be gridlock and really going to affect us. Plus, none of these busses are hybrid busses or low-emitting busses,” Ulrich told News5.

Ulrich says she and her neighbors already got a preview of what that would look like, during the Senior Open this past summer.

“I had tons of people trying to park in my driveway because they didn’t want to take the time to use the shuttle, because it was going to add an hour to the commute. So they’d park along the side streets and clog up the neighborhoods. That’s an issue.”

But she also feels this is a fight many people in the area don’t want to take on.

“We’ve lost Strawberry Fields, which was a public space. That is now Broadmoor property. I think feel a sense of helplessness/hopelessness and like it’s a waste of energy.”

The expansion was unanimously approved by the city’s planning commission.

The newly submitted appeal is requesting that project be heard by city council members.

We’ll keep you updated on what happens next.