

County working to get repairs underway after floods


As waters rushed through parts of El Paso County last week, concern rose over the numerous construction projects taking place this summer. 

In the flood’s path- several projects along Highway 24- including rock fall mitigation came to a brief halt as the county looked at the best course of action to take after the flood. 

Right now- one of the high priority projects for county workers: a sinkhole on Old Pueblo Road, namely for the response times for emergency vehicles. 

‘We want to be able to put in the right fix, but also make sure that it’s done quickly,’ said Jennifer Irvine, County Engineer for El Paso County. 

Currently the county is looking at installing a concrete box culvert, to ensure it won’t experience another sinkhole. 

The current culvert was built in the 1970’s, Irvine says since then many standards have changed. 

The detour for the sinkhole is creating challenges for emergency workers, while only a small stretch of the road is closed- drivers have to detour onto I-25 in order to go around the hole.