

Manitou keeping up with business as floods hit area


In Manitou Springs, the locals are no stranger to the floods that often hit the area.

Since the Waldo Canyon Fire in 2012, which left behind a huge burn scar- the city has about $13 million towards flood mitigation projects. 

City officials nodded to the investment helping out in this latest storm, which left behind minimal damage. 

Manitou Springs Public Works Dir. Shelly Cobau says the main priorities on Tuesday focused on cleaning inlets and debris. 

Cobau added that in the Wildcat Gulch area- this time, there was no flooding as opposed to previous years when the floods created lots of challenges. 

With thousands of tourists that make their way into the area every year- the city is making sure everything is up and running as usual. 

For the tourists in town, many of them said they were stunned by the weather- but it wasn’t stopping them from enjoying their vacation plans. 

The city is urging people to help out with clean up, for anyone with wood debris they’re asked to bring that on Saturday to Hiawatha park.