

Do you have a plan in place for your pets?


With these flash flood watches in effect, it’s important you’re ready to evacuate on a moments notice. We all know the importance of having a plan in place for our family and that should include our pets if we have them. 
Evacuating our pets isn’t always easy, so having a "Go Kit" assembled with three days worth of food and supplies is important. This should contain items like leashes, medications, food and any items that remind your pet of home. 

Some other items to include are veterinary records, documents and micro chip information. You also want to include some pictures of you with your pet in case you get separated. 

With livestock it’s a bit more complicated! Keep in mind animals like horses, cows and sheep are going to need a bit more time. Practice trailer hook-ups and loading your livestock on a regular basis to get them used to the idea, so when the moment comes you’ll be ready to go. 

"It’s great mental enrichment and exercise," said Lauren McCoy with the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region. "It gets them used to the activity of getting in the trailer, going for a ride and coming back to that safe, comfortable place. It’s muscle memory."

Another tip is to write your phone numbers on your livestock’s hooves with sharpie or a paint pen, so if you’re separated your neighbors will know who to call. 
Don’t wait till you’re told to evacuate! Experts say you should have all your livestock ready to go when you’re in pre-evacuation. 

You can keep your pets go kit with your family emergency items or by itself. Just make sure you leave it somewhere accessible like your car or in a place you can easily get to as you’re running out the door.