

Domino’s Pizza working to fix potholes for towns across the country


You’ve had a long week, you order a fresh Domino’s pizza, you figure that’ll turn your week around, but the pizza is delivered with the toppings stuck to the top of the box. 

These types of dreadful situations are what inspired Domino’s pizza to launch their ‘Paving for Pizza’ program. The company posted on their website, "bad roads shouldn’t happen to good pizza."

Couldn’t agree more Domino’s! The company says it is working to pave towns across the country, so pizza lovers everywhere can enjoy good pizza.

So far, the pizza company has helped fix potholes, cracks, and bumps in the road for Burbank, CA, Bartonville, Texas, Milford, DE, and Athens, GA.

You could be next, here’s how to nominate your town!