

Proposed Hitch Rack Ranch gravel quarry denied permit


There is now a major barrier to the proposed quarry at the old Hitch Rack Ranch on the southwest side of El Paso County. With a close vote three to two vote the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board (CMLRB) denied a mining permit for the quarry.

Transit Mix wants to close a current quarry on the northwest side of Colorado Springs and open a new one on the old ranch property. It is private property and owners want to go ahead with the deal.  There are also some business and political leaders who believe this is good for the local economy.

Neighbors, environmentalist and other political leaders are strongly opposed. Their list of reasons include, the scar it would create on the mountainside, environmental impact on wildlife, traffic safety, and the potential threat to fragile ground water.

In the end, just one issue influenced the vote. The board said they had too many questions about the threat to ground water.

The Transmit Mix team is now evaluating options.