Lauren Brand

Lauren Brand


Lauren Brand is KOAA's weekend evening meteorologist on the First Alert5 Weather Team.

Lauren grew up in Georgia about 45 minutes northeast of Atlanta. She just recently graduated in May of 2024 from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sustainability and a minor in Meteorology. During her time at OU, she was able to study at the National Weather Center and learn from some of the top meteorologists in the country.

She also spent her time working as a contract docent for the National Weather Museum. She was a weather anchor for the award-winning student newscasts at OU Nightly where they have the top student forecasters in the country. In May of 2024, she was awarded an award of excellence for "Student Weathercaster" which is only given out to a handful of students across the country. She was also a member of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, where she did volunteer work for the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation.

Before coming to KOAA, she worked in Lawton, OK where they see some of the most watches and warnings than anywhere else in the country. She has been a part of multiple severe weather events including wildfires, tornado outbreaks, snowstorms, and flash flooding events. She is excited to bring her knowledge to southeastern Colorado and make sure that everyone has the most up-to-date and accurate information on the weather.

During her free time, she likes to hike, read, paint, and spend time with her boyfriend Josh, and her dog Luna. She is very excited to forecast for southern Colorado and hopes to bring a little bit of sunshine into people's homes each day.

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