


and last updated

KOAA’s Internship Program is offered to students enrolled in an Internship class through any college that results in class credits while getting professional oversight in their particular field of interest. This is an unpaid internship and the applicant recognizes there is no expectation of being paid for any services or time involved.

Internships are considered each semester to those students qualified and approved by their respective advisor with the appropriate verification of class registration. The completion of an internship does not entitle the intern to a job with KOAA.

The internship is provided solely for the intern’s educational benefit, with no benefit to KOAA.

Interns are not employees, but rather complement the work of paid employees while receiving significant educational benefit. Specific practices and procedures will be followed to ensure that our relationship with interns remains distinct from that which exists with employees.

If you’re interested in our Internship Program, please complete the application in its ENTIRETY (including a section required by an advisor) and submit to the email provided. Send any inquiries to You’ll receive an acknowledgment and information on the next steps to be taken.

KOAA Internship Application.pdf