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Toyota and KOAA want to help parents, fellow students, faculty, or administrators recognize students in our community who are going above and beyond at school to excel in their education.
One student a month, from September through May, will be chosen to receive the award. Submit your nomination.
In a nomination letter, Kendall Steven's mother had the following to say about her talented daughter:
Kendall strives for excellence in all she undertakes at school, being enrolled in many different AP classes.
Being a participant of Air Academy's marching band all four years of her high school career, she has held the roles of executive officer and section leader.
A member of the varsity golf team, academic honor clubs for German, music, NHS, and DECA, and on top of her disciplined success, she is the kindest, most loyal friend.
Keep up the great work from the News5 team in all you do, Kendall. Congratulations!