COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — It’s a Christmas story we look forward to bringing you every year. NORAD is busy working this morning to track Santa. They have been tracking Santa since 1955. The phones open at 6:00 a.m. on Christmas Eve.
General Gregory Guillot says it’s important work to make sure kids don’t get skipped by Santa. “To make sure we can tell children all across the world when they need to be in bed so they don’t get skipped by santa because as we all know he will only stop at houses where children are asleep.”
I asked Guillot how NORAD is able to pull this off. “We have some of the best in and most capable systems in the world to track all sorts of objects to include a sleigh, radars, satellites and also our fighter jets.”
NORAD Tracks Santa depends on donations to help make it all possible. Kids from all around the world participate every year. There’s a few ways to check in on jolly old Saint Nick.
Kids can call in at 877-HI-NORAD, visit the website, or download the app.

How to keep your credit card information safe from card skimmers
The Pueblo Police Department is warning people of card skimming happening at several locations across the Steel City. Card skimming is not a new crime, but Pueblo police say it's becoming increasingly common.