Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas (Go Spurs Go!), Colette Bordelon left home for college in Colorado and never looked back (except for the Tex-Mex). She earned her degree in Broadcast Journalism from CU Boulder, graduating with honors and a double major in Philosophy Society and Values.
After graduation, Colette moved to the Western Slope to work as a Multimedia Journalist in Grand Junction for two years. During her time there, she worked her way up to anchoring and producing the noon broadcast while turning a reporter story for the evening shows.
Some of the most memorable stories include investigations into a funeral home doubling as a body broker in Montrose and researching a cold case connected to Ted Bundy. But it's not always a story that tugs at your heartstrings, she also loved getting to cover a potbelly pig rescue where a woman kept over 70 pigs at her home!
While in Colorado Springs, Colette followed the Gannon Stauch homicide case closely which she believes has truly changed her as a journalist. In 2020, she's covered civil unrest and protests in Colorado as people call for change in police accountability here in our community.
Colette's specialty is in the addiction and recovery realm. Addiction has touched everyone's lives in some way or another, and shining light on an issue that impacts so many is important to her. She hopes through her work, people struggling with addiction can find hope and their families can learn how to react to their behaviors in a productive way. Of course, providing options for care is a key piece in reporting on this topic. The more we talk about addiction, the less stigma exists.
"There are lots of misconceptions about journalism these days. I am in this industry because I truly care. I love meeting new people, and I love asking questions. We are local news. We live and work in this community, and ultimately, want to do what's best for the place we love. If you ever see me out and about, don't hesitate to come up and ask me questions about the work I do," says Colette. "I continue to work as a journalist because telling stories and showing what is really happening in the world is essential to democracy. Without the press, I don't know what our world would look like."
When not working, you can find Colette hiking, doing yoga, or forcing her cat to go on walks. "The mountains have certainly stolen my heart, and Colorado will have a hard time getting rid of this Texan."
She's volunteered as a Mesa County Partner, where people are paired with youth struggling to find peace in their lives. Colette says the program was truly eye-opening. "I learned more from the teenager than I could have ever taught them."
Reach out via Email at colette.bordelon@thedenverchannel.com.
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